Leprosy is a chronic disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae. The infection attacks the skin, limbs and eyes if left untreated, can lead to severe disfigurement and even amputation of limbs as secondary infections set in. If treated early on the other hand, no visible traces will be left on the body.
Indonesia has the third highest incidence of leprosy in the world (WHO), with one new case per 10,000 people. Areas such as east java, Maluku and Sulawesi have an even higher rate of incidence.
For NLR (Netherlands Leprosy Relief) Indonesia, this awareness campaign has to trigger both people effected by leprosy as well as reach bystanders; to seek help in the most early stage and to reduce the stigma.
Stigma discourages victims from seeking free help in Indonesia. By showing that people affected with leprosy are still normal people who also have thoughts and wishes, this disease is worth fighting for and should not something to be afraid of.
Indonesia, 2014/15
(see for Netherlands Relief Organisation: http://leprosyrelief.org, http://nlrindonesia.org)